Play, streaming, watch and download Uncharted 4 chapitre 21 en extreme video (20:23) , you can convert to mp4, 3gp, m4a for free. To pick up this one you need to look at the middle of the table. Chapitre 6 : Débloquer le passé Uncharted: Drake's Fortune - recenzja gry. Znajdziesz się na balkonie, zejdź na ten poniżej. These rooms aren't locked off by any doors, so if you go through the one you have to lift up with Sam then you've gone too far. The poor dudes strung up in gibbets at the very start of Chapter 9? Poussez cette caisse au rez-de-chaussée (Uncharted23) puis sautez dessous pour monter au premier étage et rejoindre votre frère. Partez ensuite sur la gauche pour entrer dans une grotte (Uncharted12). On the four poster bed you can find Condent's brother, and a note. uncharted 4 chapitre 13 Utilisez votre grappin pour continuer à avancer (image 22). Uncharted 2 chapitre 17. After the bridge collapses and you have yet another near death experience in a jeep, turn and look back at the broken bridge for a journal entry. Pour plus de précaution sautez sur votre gauche afin d'atteindre une plateforme plus bas et monter petit à petit la paroi. You don't have to look anywhere or anything. Nous y sommes, ce chapitre 22 sera considéré comme le dernier de la licence Uncharted. This page contains the walkthrough for Chapter 12: At Sea in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. A l'intérieur sautez sur le pilier central et partez vers la droite. Follow. Durant votre escalade, vous trouverez un piton, vous permettant de vous accrocher sur les paroi fissurées malgré le fait qu'il n'y aura aucun point d'attache (Uncharted15). This, incidentally, was Burnes' first mate. Interact with the head to get your entry. Nate draws it to indicate that pirates also used vases. Going up and interacting with the spyglass before you do this will trigger the cutscene into the next chapter, and you won't get a chance to get the entry. When you've gotten the note described above, look up and you'll see a skeleton hanging upside down from his feet. Uncharted 3 Drake s Deception. Who'd have thought? You can pick it up from here. Data manette ps3 folle Postado por . At the base of the tower you can find a door wired for dynamite. Once you've climbed round to a garden with a fast flowing river cutting through the middle, you should be able to spot the remains of a hanging woman on the right side. Dans un premier temps partez sur votre gauche et sautez par dessus le rondin de bois (Uncharted1).Nathan va alors tomber mais vous pourrez continuer votre parcours à la recherche de votre frère en pleine tempête. Une fois arrivé tout en haut vous devrez entrer dans la fissure que contiendra le mur comme le montre l'image ci-dessous (Uncharted6). At the base of the tower is Condent's sigil. From the bridge collapse climb round to a small waterfall. Right from the grave we just described is a cave, with supplies from an earlier expedition and a note explaining who that expedition was lead by, and why. As you enter the test chamber drop down to the level below you on your left. Nathan va alors tomber mais vous pourrez continuer votre parcours à la recherche de votre frère en pleine tempête. There are 13 Treasures , 6 Journal Entries , 2 Notes and 2 Optional Conversations to … Next to the statue are some stocks. Your jeep will eventually come to a mud slope that you can't drive up, and have to use the winch on a tree at the top. 23:27. Longez le mur afin d'arriver sur une dernière paroi (Uncharted4). Nous avons organisé nos guides par chapitres. C'est avec un Nathan Drake amoindri que vous commencerez ce 13ème chapitre d'Uncharted 4. Trouvez chaque trésor et entrée de journal à collectionner, note de journal et conversation facultative au chapitre 13 Dans ce guide Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, nous vous aiderons à trouver les cinq trésors, deux entrées de journal et deux notes de journal dans le chapitre 13 «Marooned». They're dropping off fast. Uncharted 3 Drake s Deception. 4 courses. After you first meet the Shoreline goons in this chapter you'll swing away and into a dense area of jungle. On the beach on the large island, in almost a straight line from where you enter the chapter, you can find a small sandy grave with a wooden cross in marking it, although there's no name. This is the first big test that Avery has set up. As we all know by now Nathan Drake is pretty keen on doodling things down in his little journal for posterity (these end up mostly being drawings of dead people and old buildings, so he probably hasn't shown them to his therapist). You get to draw a little still life of the horrible dinner party, and Nate titles it 'honor among thieves' because he's really pithy. Crash Bandicoot jouable dans Uncharted 4 Progressez à présent dans la zone en abattant tous les ennemis (images 20 et 21). 0:54. 7:29. uncharted 4 chapitre 13. He also likes collecting and reading people's private correspondence, but since they're letters from hundreds of years ago we'll let him off. Partez vers la gauche de la zone et passez en dessous des débris pour atteindre une caisse (Uncharted22). On the other side of it you can find that it's been graffitied with the same symbol found on the 'No Quarter for Thieves!' ESL Play is the world's largest independent league for esports. We never find out how many articles the pirates lived by in Libertalia, but this one, at least, is still standing. Chapitre 17 : Le coeur de la salle Concept Art : Bonus 1. Walk around underneath him until the journal interaction triggers and Drake will do a drawing of him. Pull the box on the left down and use it to climb up to the platform. Playing next. Once you've climbed up and across to the first platform you'll run into a skewered skeleton with some threatening graffiti behind him and Drake, ever enthused by new skeletons to draw, will put an entry in the journal. To the right of that is a skeleton, camouflaged by the green moss that has grown over the half of it facing you. Trending. Une fois rendu tout au bout de cette forêt, escaladez la falaise pour retrouver Sam tout en haut (Uncharted19). In Uncharted 4 there are 48 of these collectibles to find (though there are some others Drake will put in the journal for you automatically as part of the plot), and they're hidden more carefully than you might think. They seem to currently be in good spirits. Partez sur votre gauche et escaladez le mur qui se tiendra en face de vous (Uncharted5). ... Uncharted 3 : Drake's Deception Remastered - Collectibles Chapitre 13. If you had an account with the old site, don't worry - it will be transferred over. In the house on the right after the lift, where you find the Pewter Incense Burner treasure, there's a note on the right hand side. After you open the secret door at Avery's grave, go down the steps and then into the right hand corner, where there's a small, sad pile of bones with a note on it (odds on that Avery immediately killed the monks and took all his money back). Go into the intact room here and there's a letter on the desk to Christopher's father, although what a letter from someone claiming to work the fields and livestock is doing in the blacksmith's house is not clear. This prompts a journal entry. Vous pourrez alors vous suspendre dans le vide et sauter sur la plateforme située en face de vous (Uncharted11). On the smaller island, with the tower, there are two beaches, and on the one that faces out to sea there's a skeleton of a man who was tied to a ship mast and left to die. To the left of this slope are some stairs and a tower. Le plus facile pour vous sera d'avancer petit-à-petit dans l'herbe sans vous faire repérer et vous cacher en vous suspendant aux falaises (Uncharted17). It seems tensions were rising. After Sam does his disappearing act, follow Sully and Elena as they go up through town, but go into the house on the right. 5 years ago | 5 views. They're not quite ready yet. After this you drop down into a room full of barrels, with a kind of low shelf in the middle. In the well where you find the Pewter Letter Cylinder treasure there's a skeleton sitting up against a beam, in the corner opposite the ledge with the treasure. du 10-05-2016 20:53:18 sur les forums de It reveals more of the shady goings the Libertalia founders were getting up to. Tout de suite après la pièce contenant une tombe, marquez un temps d'arrêt pour regarder sur votre droite. Just underneath the tree is a satchel with a grisly note in it. Nate will do his normal thing of drawing the dead person. Source: Go through but, before you leave it, make sure you've found the bedroom (it's not hard; there isn't much of the house left). If you head left around the large island you'll come to a few rocks and sand spars around a wrecked ship, on your right. Raccrochez-vous à la paroi et marchez dans l'eau jusqu'à retourner à l'extérieur de la grotte (Uncharted14). Montez le rocher situé en face de vous (Uncharted2). The Evil Within 2 soluce chapitre 11 reconnexion 025 (Copier) Game of Guides. Near the bottom of the stairs is a sideboard with a letter on it, which is oddly sad to read now you know what became of Libertalia. Nous y sommes, ce chapitre 22 sera considéré comme le dernier de la licence Uncharted. Report. There's a desk on the wall that has a note from an East India Company Lieutenant. Vous pourrez tout de même user de vos armes pour traverser cette zone. After rappelling down out of the bottom of the church you'll get into a fight with a bunch of Shoreline types. Interacting with it gets you a journal entry. Nombre de trésors : 6 Epée rituelle tibétaine Tête de divinité en argile Statue de Chenrezig en bronze Bouchon en os de crâne Caisse de couture en argent Ornement de stupa en bronze Suivez Tenzin dans la caverne, attendez qu'il se serve de la corde pour rejoindre l'autre côté du ravin (image 1). Anyway, turns out Avery was pretty shady. You can go back and flick through it whenever you like from the game's main menu. In Baldridge's mansion, which you swim into after falling/sliding through Richard Want's mansion, you can find a mughal vase. When you've done the morse code signalling with Sam … When you've done the morse code signalling with Sam climb up and around, and go behind the waterfall. Uncharted 3 Drake s Deception. Bridgerton Drawing - Phoebe Dynevor and Regé-Jean. This concludes Drake's journal for this adventure. The main part of our guide is the very detailed walkthrough for all chapters of the game, which includes, among other things, hints on how to avoid or eliminate opponents (including bosses), information about the best routes … There's an open grave with two skeletons near where you first enter the graveyard that you can interact with and draw (Drake must have an unsettling number of drawings of skeletons at this point in his life). After the giant statue of Henry Avery rises out of the ground, go around to the front of it to get another journal entry. Browse more videos. On the other side is an alcove/platform area where you can get a better look at the statues sticking their spears out into it, and Nate is like "Well good, that'll make a sweet drawing, bro!". Towards the end of that you'll come to a wide ledge on the left, with a skeleton in the corner. Climb up the side of the blacksmiths (which is on the right side of the main street through Libertalia's commercial district) and onto the first floor. On your right is the skeleton of the navigator on Burnes' expedition, who has another informative note on him. Une fois dans la grotte, sautez sur les plateformes pour monter un peu plus haut et n'utilisez pas votre corde sur la branche ce qui aurait pour but de vous ramener à l'entrée de la grotte (Uncharted7). To find them all you need to open all the drawers, cupboards, and chests you can interact with, but once you've found three you've found them all. Once you come to Baldridge's study, with a fireplace on the left that you can duck through to the next room. The previous expedition is taking a bad turn already. Uncharted 3 : Drake's Deception Remastered - Collectibles Chapitre 13. At the bottom of the mudslide towards the cistern jump off to the right, onto a platform. Continuing in a straight line down the street you'll come to the end of it, where there's a big slab of stone with 'Article Five' written on it. Nate will dutifully draw these as well, proving that he likes bones of all different persuasions, not just human ones. After you've taken them all out Sam will say he's "Just a little winded." There are three notes left in the empty treasury: a ship manifest and two inventory notes for shelves in the treasury. The Evil Within 2 soluce chapitre 11 reconnexion 025 (Copier) Game of Guides. Before you go into his study (with the fetching pink drapes) take a right and look for the vase on a table between two windows. Nombre de trésors à trouver : 7 Glissez-vous sur votre droite et montez les escaliers pour déboucher au pied d'un grand arbre. The evil within 2 soluce chapitre 11 reconnexion 025 (copier) game of guides supersoluce. Longez la paroi rocheuse et continuez votre parcours en sautant sur le mur. Download now to enjoy a faster ad-free browsing experience that saves data and battery life by blocking tracking software. En effet, en essayant de grimper Nathan va tomber et vous retrouverez votre personnage quelques heures plus tard une fois la tempête terminée. Get out and look up at the waterwheel driving it; you'll get a prompt to draw it in the journal. Cheerful. Espace client ... +33 3 20 26 86 55; Projet-sur-mesure; Contact On the sand bar around from the wrecked ship you'll find some boxes and barrels, and a tree. At the far end of the treasury is a giant statue of Avery, again. Enjoy !!! If you do then you collect the entry. 2 courses. Naughty Dog presents UNCHARTED: The Nathan Drake Collection and UNCHARTED 4: A Thief's End on PlayStation 4. There's a note on the table next to her. Du côté des armes, vous pouvez utiliser dans ce chapitre le Condor (uniquement en extrême), le XCR (uniquement disponible dans ce chapitre) ou encore le Spezzotti 12 Gauge et Fossa R-81. Uncharted 4 - Solution des énigmes du chapitre 12 FrBB BibiMaster Uncharted 4 A Thief's End - Chapitre 14 - Rejoins moi au paradis - Duration: 44:21. 28,738 views. He was the captain of the Fiery Dragon, so his sigil is pretty dragon-y. An optional conversation prompt will come up, and if you take it you'll get a little caricature of Sam in your journal. Holt french 2 chapitre 1 answer key Holt french 2 chapitre 1 answer key As you come into the second area of the chapter head left, upstream, and go behind the large waterfall to the hidden pirate cave. Established in 1997, we're proud to be the home to those who love competitive gaming. There's a skeleton propped up on a beam, with a note in his bag. On this page of our guide you can find the walkthrough of chapter 15 of Uncharted 3 Drake's Deception.This chapter is titled Sink or Swim and takes place on board of the sinking ship. Une fois ce chapitre terminé, là encore en retournant sur la sélection de chapitres, j’ai constaté que le chapitre 6 n’avait pas été marqué comme terminé en extrême. He's a little out of sight but still easy to find. This will force us to constantly move forward and regularly rely on swimming to move around. Here's a handy guide to help you find them all and collect those game trophies. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End Summary : The latest title in the Uncharted series is the first in this third-person adventure series on the Playstation 4 game system. On this page of our guide to Uncharted Drake's Fortune you can find a detailed description of Chapter 8 - The Drowned City.These are another ruins to explore, where you will encounter more hostile characters. (He doesn't really say that but he will draw them in his journal). In the bottom of the cistern is a room with big slabs on the wall depicting Avery's greatness, and a diorama model in the middle (which actually turns out to be a model of New Devon rather than Libertalia). Montez tout en haut de la zone (Uncharted16). Skocz na wprost, potem na lewo schodami ku górze. This is the large, mostly intact tower where you have your first fight with Shoreline in this chapter. C'est avec un Nathan Drake amoindri que vous commencerez ce 13ème chapitre d'Uncharted 4. Looking at the ship's mast sticking out of the water gets you a journal entry. Examine it to get another journal entry. Before you do, check the desk opposite the doors where you entered. 3:48. Categorias . PS4 Release Dates, Trailers and News. Yeah, Drake'll draw those guys too. The problem is that they'll be placed randomly around the treasury every time you play the chapter. Go to the in-game options, set the difficulty to the one you have the Tweaks unlocked on, and enable your Tweaks. After you've gotten the lights, crosses, and bucket of water lined up in the right places you can open the door, and after that interacting with the door lever will result in a journal entry. L'une des énigmes de ce chapitre vous demandera de bouger les symboles en forme de croix et l'emplacement d'un seau pour aligner le tout de la bonne façon dans les rayons de lumière grâce à 4 … Une fois rendu tout au bout utilisez votre corde sur la branche d'arbre afin d'atteindre la forêt comme le montre l'image ci-dessous (Uncharted18). Uncharted 3 : Drake's Deception Remastered - Trophée Marco Solo | Marco Solo Trophy Guide. Une fois arrivé tout en haut de la plateforme naturelle, vous devrez utiliser votre corde afin d'atteindre la paroi située en face de vous (Uncharted8). Une fois sorti vous devrez trouver un moyen d'atteindre la "fenêtre" comme vous l'expliquera Sam (Uncharted21).